Friday, 28 December 2012

12 Days Of Etsy: Spun On Cotton

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I grew up in a small town in Northern California called Grass Valley where both my parents worked from home. My father is an artist whom works mostly as a jeweler. My mother is an antique enthusiast, who was always taking me around yard sale-ing or thrifting. Because of this, I knew I wanted to work from home, be an artist, and was profoundly inspired by anything old. I went to school and left with a degree in Fashion Design...I haven't done a thing with fashion since. I am now a work-from-home-mother, attempting the balance between raising a child and creating my art. I've recently found the only true way to succeed in this, is to treat each moment in life as art, and to live artfully in every avenue of my life. Now that's living!

2. How did you choose your shop name? 

At the time I opened my Etsy Shop I hadn't a product to sell, but I liked the name "Silk and Thistle." Once I started developing my pieces I realized I needed a name that reflected the quirky character of my items a little better. I came up with "Spun On Cotton" as a play on words between "spun cotton" and "Sprung On" (or being excited about something) It fits because I am excited about Spun Cotton!

3. What do you enjoy making the most?

I really enjoy making all of my pieces. Because the majority of my items are one of a kind, every piece is bringing a whole new character to life, I love that!

4. What is the best seller in your shop?

It is hard to say what my best seller is, seeing as I do one of a kind pieces. I do have one made to order item, that I list because it gets so much attention, that's Dudley the Reading Deer.

5. Your work sells all over the world, in which parts of the world is your work most popular?

I sell most of my pieces to the East Coast of the U.S.

6. What inspires you?

I find inspiration from so many sources, but I find myself eager to create after I've read my 2 year old her bed time story. I love children's book illustrations. I love anything vintage, including cute old cartoons from the 1930's. And of course nature, I am fortunate enough to live in beautiful surroundings, my work space looks out to nothing but trees.

7. How long have you been crafting?

I have been crafting really my whole life. I remember being very young and having the urge to create, something, anything. In grade school the projects were always my favorite. But it is only within this last year that I've been working with spun cotton. I am constantly developing technique and style and that's what keeps it so exciting.

8. What are your other hobbies?

I love being out in nature, painting, photography, sewing, yard sale-ing, and I love to get foot loose as often as possible.

9. Do you collect anything?

I am constantly collecting "stuff", but I could never stick with one type of thing. I just like having things around me that tickle my fancy.

10. What is your favourite Christmas tradition?

Picking only one tradition is a bit difficult, but I would have to say decorating the tree... with cookies baking in the oven ... and old Christmas carols playing in the background.

11. Do you have a favourite Christmas song or carol?

Jingle bells has always been my favourite to sing to, especially when others join in.

12. What is the funniest Christmas present you have ever been given?

One year I was unable to make it home for Christmas because my car needed new tires and I wasn't able to afford them. My brothers ended up buying my tires for Christmas! That's funny and sweet!

Many thanks to Sara from Spun On Cotton for taking part in this feature. Click here to visit her Etsy shop.

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